Project Copenhagen
November 2025 - September 2027
@Seraph1906 Project Copenhagen Expedition - A spotlight on the potential solutions to global challenges.
Solutions to Global Challenges
The world currently faces a series of complex inter-linked challenges. Addressing climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution and the practical implementation of the UN Sustainability Goals are often seen as an over whelming task. The real solution, however, lies in a change in global mindset that moves away from economic growth figures to sustainable development that befits both people and the planet.
Both high- and low-tech solutions exist that provide practical ways to reduce emissions and lead to a sustainable future. A number of these green-technologies are used onboard Seraph and a series of exhibitions en-route will highlight current innovation in sustainable development solutions.
The Route - Thailand to Copenhagen
After an absence of half a century Seraph will set sail for her home point of Copenhagen. Along the way she and her team of volunteers will make a number of significant stops in India, Madagascar, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Greece, Barcelona and finally Denmark. At each stop an exhibition will take place promoting sustainable development solutions that benefit people, cultures and the environment.